Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us, we'd love to hear from you!

1319 Sacramento Street
Redding, CA, 96001
United States

Shipping Info

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We make every attempt to ship no more than 3 business days after receiving an order. Occasionally with very high volume days, this just is not possible, but it's rare.

We are not responsible for items lost or stolen in transit. You will need to contact USPS for that. All USA orders include insurance for this very purpose.

If an item breaks in transit,  please email us with a picture of the damage and your order number and we will be happy to replace it promptly to the best of our ability. If an item is no longer available, we will offer you your preference of a store credit or refund.

ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: We do ship to several countries (Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Sweden, & UK), however, we are not responsible for any taxes or fees added on when it passes through customs. This can vary from country to country, and can vary from shipment to shipment. We will not accept returned packages from international orders. You must be prepared to pay these fees if you are ordering internationally. Additionally, we are unable to offer tracking or insurance for overseas packages, so purchase at your own risk. We make every effort to package your order in a way that will not break on it's way to you, however, if this occurs, we can only offer a refund on the broken items, not a replacement.